Colombian Beans + Cold Weather

Have you ever wondered where your chocolate comes from?

Melanger Annie’s current batch of beans hail from the Arhuacos territory in Colombia. The Arhuacos are an indigenous people group who preserve the biodiversity sanctuary of the Sierra Nevada. They believe that the balance of humanity is in practicing respect for all beings, and that the earth is the core of the universe. Their livelihood is derived primarily from sustainable agriculture, which includes harvesting native cacao deep in the jungle, close to the Venezuelan border. 


50% of Colombian farmers in cocoa producing regions are impoverished. Cacao de Colombia is a company that acts as a bridge between local producers of quality beans and the international chocolate industry. Their goal is to increase income for smallholder farmers by 56 to 82% over the next 5 years, and they are the reason I am able to get my hands on these beautiful beans. 

It’s so important to know where your food comes from! Making informed and intentional choices about what you buy can greatly impact lives across the globe. In choosing to purchase these beans, I’m doing what I can to contribute to Cacao de Colombia’s goal!


I had a sneaking suspicion, and it was confirmed yesterday. Melanger Annie is, in fact, my spirit animal. She likes to work hard, play hard, can often be found full of chocolate, and is NOT a fan of the cold.

I started to panic upon first adding the beans, because the chocolate was not liquefying. Turns out, I hadn’t done a good job of pre-heating Annie. She was too cold to work. #relatable


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Summer Break